Have you been wondering what makes a podcast great? One would expect the answer to be the content or even the host, but the surprising element that makes or breaks a podcast is the right podcast format. Still not convinced? Let’s try and understand it better. Your podcast format is the primary determinant of the structure, length, and how many guest appearances if any, your podcast is going to have.
Let’s dive into exploring some of the primary formats that you can choose from to help you create a show that leaves your listeners wanting more.
1. What is a Podcast Format?

A podcast format is a way you structure your content on your show. These are the delivery methods that help you give your podcast structure. In the absence of a strong podcast format, you will find that your content is all over the place. This is one of the worst things you can do to your listeners.
A good format helps create consistency for your audience. It helps listeners anticipate what is going to happen next. If you have a guest one week, a panel the next, and a solo monologue after that, you will find it very hard to retain listeners.
A majority of listeners that podcasts gain are through word-of-mouth marketing. When people are talking it becomes easy for them to convey to the other person what they should be listening to. Chances are a friend or acquaintance at some time must have said something along the lines of this to you – “Ohh you really need to catch the show, they convene a panel and talk about celebrity memoirs” or “It’s an eight-episode miniseries about a haunted house in Oregon”
2. How To Choose The Right Format For Your Podcast
2.1 Understand your Audience
The first step to picking out the right form is to understand your audience demographics. Every demographic has very different likes and dislikes. Gen Z enjoys exploring different facets and concepts, so they would enjoy a co-hosted show or a interview style podcast. Unlike millennials who wouldn’t mind a monologue or a fiction story format. To understand your audience better you start with a survey or poll on a social media platform where you are active. Ask them to weigh in on topics and understand what makes them tick.
2.2 Consider The Content
The second consideration that you need to take into account is the kind of content you want to put forth. If you are giving out information or expert advice then a panel would be the right choice, if you are planning on an investigative podcast then a conversational podcast with a co-host will help the conversation flow and if you are aiming to narrate a story then a solo format would do the best. But all of this is dependent on your content.
2.3 Play To Your Strengths
The success of your podcast depends on your strengths and how you can make the most of them. The format should showcase what you are good at. Do you have the ability to carry a conversation on your own? Then a solo/host-read podcast format would be great. If you prefer to bounce ideas off another person then a panel discussion or a conversational podcast would work best. Do you like doing heavy research? If you do then a News/current events podcast format will help you channel that.
2.4 Do a Competitor Analysis
Have a look at what the other podcasters in your niche are doing. If people are following a standard format, the goal should be to break the mold and stand out with a different kind of podcast. The goal is to be able to gain a listener’s attention and not become another voice in the millions of podcasts out there. One of the ways to do this is by investigating who is engaging with your competitor’s podcast. Check their profiles to understand their audience better, check their mentions, their rankings, the tags they are using for their podcast, and their listeners.
3. 7 Popular Podcast Formats

3.1 Solo/Host-Read Podcast Format
This is the easiest format to follow if you are just starting out on your podcasting journey and looking for podcast format ideas. This is also the format of choice for people who are thought leaders in their fields. It’s a pretty basic setup. You talk into a microphone and record the episode. You can later choose to edit it or put it in as is.
In comparison to other formats, this is the one that requires the least amount of help or involvement from other people. The one thing you need to decide for this kind of podcast to work is whether you want to ad-lip or walk in with a complete script, none of the approaches are wrong but just different.
The Pros
- As a host, you have complete creative control over the content of the show.
- It is a flexible format i.e. you can make changes on the fly as you don’t have to coordinate with someone else
- You get to create a very intimate relationship with your audience.
The Pitfalls
- There is a lack of diversity as you have nobody to bounce your ideas off.
- Is difficult to sustain over a long period of time as you are doing it all alone.
- Speaking for 30-45 minutes all alone while still remaining engaging is a difficult proposition.
You Must Remember This
The genius of You Must Remember This lies in the delivery by Kariana Longworth, who takes you on a journey through the mythology of Hollywood. It’s a straightforward premise but one done with a lot of attention and care.
The Lazy Genius Podcast
Kendra Adachi takes you through the dilemma that plagues millennials, why are they lazy about certain things? We might never know the answer to that but she does help you feel a little less bad about your current state of being by helping you prioritise with The Lazy Genius Podcast.
3.2 Interview Podcast Format
When you think about podcasts, chances are you are probably associating an interview podcast format with the image. The premise is simple: a host (usually the same one every week) talks to a guest (a different one every week) about a specific topic.
This is one of the most common, tried, and tested forms of podcasting that always works with an audience. This is also one format that takes the pressure off the host to carry the show as the guests do the majority of talking and the host helps steer the conversation in the right direction. However, this is not a format that you can just do on the fly, it requires meticulous planning on your part as every episode will have a new guest,
The Pros
- Helps showcase a wide range of perspectives
- New guests every week help keep the podcast feeling fresh and exciting
- The majority of the talking is done by the guests, you just need to moderate the conversation and ensure that it goes in the right direction.
The Pitfalls
- It’s one of the most common forms of podcast format, which can make it difficult to stand out.
- Requires meticulous planning as you need coordinate schedules
- If the host does not have good interview skills or if the guest isn’t engaging, the whole podcast can end up being boring.
Vox Conversations
Vox conversations focuses on having conversations that move beyond the standard realm of how and why. They want to encourage you to think deeper about topics that might seem mundane on the surface but once you delve deeper, you realize you have just scratched the surface.
The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
Hosted by Srinivas Rao, the Unmistakable Creative focuses on asking smart questions to expert guests from all walks of life. Artists, authors, poets, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, you name it, they’ll be on the show. They share deeply insightful, personal tales about not only work but also their inspiration and what drives them.
3.3 Roundtable/Panel Podcast Format

A Roundtable podcast format or conversational podcast format features one host, like an interview style but has multiple guests, all talking about the same topic. Kind of what you see on panel shows on TV. These people are all people who are experts on the topic at hand, The guests are who drive the conversation forward and the host acts like a moderator to steer the conversation in the right direction.
Roundtables help you build authority in your niche, as you invite people who are experts in their respective fields. The problem with this kind of format is the logistics of it all. You might not have the easiest time trying to coordinate every speaker’s calendar and also finding new people for every episode is a little tough.
The Pros
- Every episode is a journey through unique, diverse opinions and insights.
- There is no pressure on the host as the panel does most of the conversation
- Can provide a sense of community to the listener
The Pitfalls
- Coordinating multiple schedules and agreeing on a topic can be a challenging proposition
- The conversation can lack expertise and depth if the panel members are not selected with care.
- Expertise is required to effectively edit multiple audio tracks.
How Did This Get Made?
This is a fun podcast in which the host’s Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas get together with some of their funniest friends and watch movies that are best described as questionable and try to get to the bottom of the question – How Did This Get Made?
Podcasters Roundtable
On the other end you have a more practical podcast in the form of Podcasters Roundtable. People from the podcasting industry get together with the host Ray Ortega of The Podcasters’ Studio and tackle a topic related to well, podcasting
3.4 Narrative Podcast Format
This is also known as Podcast Theatre. This podcast usually consists of a fiction or non-fiction story told over multiple episodes Some are narrated by one person, and others use different voice actors in tandem with other audio elements to portray a story. Think television shows, but through narration and voice acting.
This format works best for people who like to write fiction or are looking to create films. The podcast consists of all your standard storytelling elements like characters, plots, a climax, and even cliffhangers. As a matter of fact, there are some people who just do a dramatic reading of novels and then release them as podcasts.
The Pros
- Can be highly engaging and captivating.
- Allows you to cover a wide range of themes and genres
- This is the least common podcast format, which ensures there is less competition
The Pitfalls
- Since it is the least common podcast format, building an audience can take time and effort.
- This format requires a high level of writing and production acumen
- Is time-consuming and costly. Since all the episodes are interlinked your entire season needs to be set up before you begin recording.
This is probably the podcast that gave rise to the whole genre of high-budget fiction storytelling with slick production. Homecoming follows a caseworker as they work at an experimental rehab center. Yep, it is a horror story, a very well-told one though. This cast consists of names like Oscar Issac, Catherine Keener, and David Schwimmer.
The Amelia Project
If you love absurdist comedy, you need to give this one a shot. The premise is set in an agency that helps rich clients fake their death. The Amelia Project is fast-paced and fun. Every episode usually has an eccentric upper-class resident who wants a new beginning for exceptionally weird reasons though. Considering there are over 5 seasons, you know they have to be good.
3.5 Bite-Sized Content

Unlike most of the other formats, this podcast format aims for every episode to be short and sweet.This translates to the fact that they are less than 10 minutes in length. These are perfect for people who are short on time or have issues with attention span. Another audience sect that they cater to is people who are just starting out with podcasts and aren’t sure if they want to commit to longer episodes just yet.
One of the main benefits of this format is that they don’t require as much planning, recording time, or editing time making them perfect for people who are just starting out their podcasting journey.
The Pros
- These are easy to produce and consume thanks to their length/
- A great option to try especially if you are into alternative content.
- You are not bound by any niche and can make bite-sized content on any topic
The Pitfalls
- You don’t have time to fully flesh out your content so you cannot put out complex stories
- Not everyone would be a fan of such short content leading to a limited audience base.
- There is very limited monetization potential.
The Daily Boost
This Daily Boost podcast is a daily motivational show that provides listeners with a quick boost of inspiration and motivation to start their day. Each episode is around 5-7 minutes long and covers a wide range of topics such as goal setting, productivity, and personal development.
The Short and Sweet Podcast
The Short and Sweet Podcast podcast provides bite-sized episodes on a variety of topics such as personal development, self-improvement, and productivity. Episodes are typically around 5-8 minutes in length and are released weekly.
3.6 Co-Hosted Podcast Format
Another type of conversational podcast format is co-hosted podcast format. The premise of this podcast is pretty straightforward, two people have a conversation regarding some topic. But unlike what happens in an interview where one person is a guest and the other the host, both are hosts here.
Both hosts play a specific role in the dynamic. One might be narrating the story and the other provides the reactions. This makes the whole podcast feel organic and fans feel like they are part of the club as they too are discovering certain things with one of the co-hosts. The only issue that might arise with this format is if both are not in agreement with the overall messaging of the show. This is why a big part of the success of this podcast format lies in the chemistry of the hosts.
The Pros
- You are responsible for about half the conversation, so that gives you time to focus o other aspects of the podcast like research and promotion.
- Its easier to hook listeners since the conversation between co-hosts sounds organic rather than scripted.
- Listeners feel like they are part of the club especially if the hosts create a fun, entertaining environment.
The Pitfalls
- Agreeing on content can be tricky.
- In case of a personal disagreement between the hosts there can be a negative impact on the show
- The lack of script can be an issue especially if you are not naturally a good conversationalist.
Redhanded is a cult hit. For good reason, Even if true crime is not your usual scene, just the conversation between the hosts- Hannah Maguire and Suruthi Bala makes the whole podcast worth it. What differentiates this podcast from the sea of true crime ones out there is the wit and smart socio-political commentary that is infused in every episode.
Were You Raised By Wolves?
There was a time when the tools to manage sticky social situations would be taught to people. Now is not that time. This is where “ Were You Raised By Wolves?” enters. The charming hosts Leighton and Bonnema share practical advice on how you can navigate a wide variety of social situations with grace and ease.
3.7 Hybrid (combination of multiple formats)
A combination of multiple styles of podcasts, a hybrid podcast mixes elements from other formats to help tell a cohesive story. Usually, it begins with a monologue and then moves to either an interview or a panel discussion to help support what the monolog was all about. This is an amalgamation of different podcast format ideas.
If you have a niche topic that is not a good fit for the other podcast formats then you should definitely try this one out. But as a general practice, it is always preferred that you try and stick to one format. Hybrid formats are a lot more labor intensive as they require more editing and more research at the initial stages as well. Another problem that people run into with a hybrid podcast is that there might be a lack of cohesion for the viewer if it is not handled properly.
The Pros
- Provides more flexibility in terms of both content and format
- Different segments can make show more interesting
- Have the potential to attract a broader audience as it caters to different interests.
The Pitfalls
- There might be difficulty in establishing a consistent tone and voice
- Requires more time and effort to research and produce every segment
- Issues may arise while trying to balance the length, tone and quality of different segments.
The Daily
The Daily is an extremely popular podcast that covers news five days a week for 20 minutes. Hosts Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise provide the users with daily happenings of the world but it doesn’t stop there. There are also interviews with top experts and popular figures in the show which help provide a more holistic view to the listeners.
The Gist
Another daily podcast- The Gist is divided into two parts. The first is the topic of the day and the second is an interview in relation to the topic. It’s a sharp, well-edited show that provides critiques irrespective of the topics on hand.
4. FAQs
- What are the three types of podcast formats?
There are multiple types of podcast formats. The three most popular ones are interview podcast, co-hosted podcast, and solo podcast.
- Which is the most common podcast format?
The most common podcast format is the Solo/Host-Read podcast format.