How to Do Live Podcast Broadcasting? A Detailed  Guide for Podcasters

How to Do Live Podcast Broadcasting? A Detailed Guide for Podcasters
March 17, 2023 By / In Publishing

There is just one cardinal rule for a podcast to be successful, it needs to be engaging. Podcasters all over the world ( over 5 million of them) have tools to help engage. One such tool is a live broadcast. A live broadcast helps you reach a wider audience without any geographical barriers. Additionally, it allows people to tune in and out of your podcast kind of like a radio show but a . It helps you foster a closer relationship with your listeners as you engage with them directly. But how to do live podcast broadcasting? 

We will give you a breakdown of how you can begin your live podcasting journey with ease. That way you can put on the perfect stream for your audience that is true to your brand and what you want your podcast to be. 

1. What Does Live Podcasting Mean?

Live podcasting is something akin to a live radio show. During live podcasts, the hosts record their show with a live (obviously virtual) audience. Since the broadcast is taking place in real-time, there’s plenty of opportunity to be spontaneous regarding your podcast content. Let your personality take center stage. This is one of the best ways to establish a close relationship with your audience as there are no cuts, editing, or post-production involved. 

2. Why Should You Live Stream a Podcast?

2.1. To Engage With Your Audience

A live broadcast helps build a sense of community and appeals to an audience segment who love routine. If you have an existing fan base then they will of course listen to your podcast broadcast.

2.2. To Create a Community

A live broadcast offers an opportunity for you as a podcaster to create a community. Look at a live broadcast as a way to have a real-time discussion with your audience, that you are not able to generally. 

2.3. Show Your Personality

Live podcasting is not everyone’s cup of tea. That is because there is room for mistakes as you don’t have the power of post-production to make you more interesting. Your personality is the only hook you have, and if you are someone who knows how to reel in an audience this is your platform to shine.  

3. Types of Live Podcasts

3.1. Monologues

This format is for experienced speakers as you are the only person talking for the entirety of the session. The closest example of how monologues function is similar to the ”get-ready-with-me” videos that influencers post. In this type of live podcast people will tune in to hear you talk about your experiences, a story, your thoughts, and ideas, or if your podcast is geared towards a specific niche they would come to talk to you as the subject matter expert.

3.2. In-Studio Interview

An in-studio interview style podcast is a popular format where a host conducts an interview with a guest. For every live podcast you do, there is a new guest who comes on as the companion to the host. Thisis a great podcast type to do live as you can take real-time questions from the audience as well. However, it is a  slightly formal style of podcast that requires both the host and the guest to be in the same studio.

3.3. Talking Heads or Remote Interviews

If you are looking for a more informal podcast then you can run a remote interview. In this type of podcast, all the attendees hop on a video conferencing call and record the episode. For this type of podcast to be a success, it is important that you choose the platform where you are getting together after some consideration.  You need to be able to record the show, have the option to record every speaker’s voice as a separate track, and you will have to not only be able to record the show but also host a large audience there is a need for there to be .

3.4. Educational shows

This is the kind of show one would host if they are a subject matter expert. As you explain to your audience about a certain topic, they have the opportunity to send in questions in real-time. This is very close to what people do during IGTV lives. The audience in attendance learns new skills and information that they can either further apply in real life or just be familiar with. 

3.5. News

Live podcasts work great if you are looking to have a podcast that deals with time-sensitive information like news. It is also great as you get to do something different every day as the news changes. Also depending on the kind of news you cover you attract a loyal audience base who will tune in every day at the same time to get the news for the day.

4. How to Prepare for Live Podcast Broadcasting?

4.1. Do Extensive Research Before the Live Stream

The amount of time that you need to devote to this step of the process of How to do live podcast broadcasting, is completely dependent on the kind of content that you are covering in your podcast, If you have an interview-style show then you need to research about your guest ahead of time, contact them, fix up a time and send out a rough outline of the flow of the episode so that they are better prepared for the episode. Even if you are doing the show alone it is important to research the topic beforehand as that will help you minimize rambling and sticking to the topic on hand.

4.2. Get Your Live Podcast Equipment in Order

The list of equipment you need for a live podcast is fairly straightforward and in most cases even smaller than the one you need when you do a normal podcast. You need a good-quality microphone to ensure that your audience can hear you properly. Headphones help reduce the audio bleed as well as the echo sound that might seep in during your podcast. The final equipment (actually its software) you need is the live podcast software. There are a couple of podcast hosts that provide the option for you to live broadcast your podcast right from their platforms like Podbean and Spreakar.

4.3. Choose a Proper Time

The timing of your podcast is crucial. You want to broadcast it at a time when your target audience is able to tune in and engage with you the best. This part also requires research on your part. Go through the existing analytics if you have them to determine who is tuning in to listen to your show and what time you should have your live podcast. Remember that your goal is to get as many listeners as possible when the podcast is being aired and not later.

5. How To Do Live Podcast Broadcasting?

5.1. Choose a Broadcasting Platform

5.1.1 Facebook Live

If your audience comprises millennials and baby boomers then the best place to do your podcast live streaming is with Facebook Live. It is easy to use and also completely free. It is accessible to a wide audience. If you are hosting a live podcast for the first time then you do not need to fret as they provide all the information you need to move forward.

5.1.2 Youtube Live

Wondering how to do a live podcast on YouTube? You can do it through YouTube Live. It has more options like the ability to edit a video for about 3 hours before you upload to the platform. This way even if you do fumble during the interview you can make tweaks before you upload it to the platform.

5.1.3 Twitter

Twitter’s version of a platform for live podcasting is called Twitter Spaces. Here you can create your own space and talk while your audience floats in and out.

5.2. Use Specialized Platforms

5.2.1. Podbean

As a hosting provider Podbean is extremely famous as it is one of the oldest hosting providers. They are also a great live podcast app. They provide users with live broadcasting tools that allow you to have up to five people online on the same platform. The only catch is that if you want your audience to be able to tune in they need the free Podbean app.


Riverside has long been a great platform if you are looking for multitrack live broadcasting capabilities. You can easily record up to eight people on both audios as well as video tracks. Additionally, while you are recording the show you can live stream it to platforms like FaceBook, YouTube, and Twitch. As a live podcast app it offers functionalities like audience call-ins for a more interactive experience and the ability to record video for your podcast if you are looking for a multimedia approach.

5.2.3. Spreakar

A relatively new addition to the world of live podcast apps, Spreakar has long been making waves as a great podcast hosting platform. In the Spreakar studio application, you will find the option to go live with your podcast. There is also an integration with Skype available that helps you host guest podcasts with ease. 

5.2.4. Promote, Promote, Promote!!

Finally! Once you have done everything else on how to do live podcast broadcasting, the time has come to promote your show with the date and time of your live broadcast. People need to know about your show in order to be able to tune in. 

6. FAQs

How do live podcasts work?

Live podcasts follow a structure that is more closer in essence to a traditional radio show rather than a podcast. The podcast is broadcast with the help of a broadcasting platform and users can tune in to listen.

How do I start a live podcast for free?

To start a live podcast for free you can use Facebook live or Twitter spaces, to begin with. These platforms are free and will help you host your live podcast. 

Can any type of podcast be live-streamed?

Yes, you can live stream any kind of podcast.

What are live video/audio podcasts??

Live video/audio podcasts are podcasts that you record in front of a virtual live audience.

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